Tuesday 5 July 2016

"England expects that every man will do his duty"

"England expects that every man will do his duty" was a signal sent by Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, from his flagship HMS Victory as the Battle of Trafalgar was about to commence on 21 October 1805.
Trafalgar was a decisive naval engagement of the Napoleonic Wars. It gave the United Kingdom control of the seas, removing all possibility of a French invasion and conquest of Britain.

Although there was much confusion surrounding the wording of the signal in the aftermath of the battle, the significance of the victory and Nelson's death during the battle led to the phrase becoming embedded in the English psyche, and it has been regularly quoted, paraphrased and referenced up to the modern day. Source: Wikipedia

This great postcard came from Lita A. (30 June 2016) who has sent me many, many interesting postcards. Thanks Lita.  I have always been interested in flags and this postcard shows signalling flags carrying this famous message. 

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